quarkscience.com protect all the personal information of the users visiting this site. These information are collected when you provide your information through our site forms, email subscriptions, contacts and some other informations collected online
Why do we collect such information ?
We aims to provide better content and services to our visitors, visiting our platform. For better statistical purposes, we need to collect information from you. These information are collected when you submit forms or while browsing online.
We use these collected data in a secure way. By collecting these data, it helps us to predict number of visitors, their geo-locations, frequency of visits and popularity of specific contents.
Cookies and other Tracking Technology
We use collected data for stastical and system administration purposes. Some of our web pages utilize “cookies” to collect information about website activities. Cookies are used to recall informations and activities that users/visitors had made on the website.
Most of the Modern Browsers allow users to either “Enable” or “Disable” cookies. You can enable these option as per your need.
Other tracking technologies may record user information such as Ip address, browsing software, operating system, date and time of their last visit. These collected data will not be publicly linked or shared. These informatons are secured and used only for statistical and administration purposes.
WHO may we share your data with ?
We restrict to disclose your personal information to individuals or organizations, whom we believe as frauds, does spams and are not bounded by laws.
quarkscience does not transfer or share your personal informations with other except with:
Our affilates, linked companies, sponshorship hosts for our internal bussiness.
Third party advertiser to display advertisements when you visit the platform. This advertiser may use information about you, your geographic locations and your visit to the platform to provide better services for you.
Third party such as laws or court order.
We also restrict to disclose your personal informations, who are not bounded to our Terms of Use and on our’s behalf.
Third Party Cookies
Third party cookies are set on this site such as Google Analytics, Google Maps and Google Ads. We don’t have access to these type of cookies, we have to let it served. Users may be directed to third party site for obtaining more information by clicking on respective advertisements, banners, links etc.
quarkscience is not responsible for this type of cookies regarding the storage or use of your informations by the third party servers.
Useful links to some Google services for instruction on how to option out are:
www.google com/policies/privacy/
quarkscience.com is an educational platform which are not targeted to any age group of visitors. Any interested individuals can learn through this platform. In case of childrens under sixteen, we do not collect any personal information or send marketing related communications.
Link to other websites
Some links may appear inside this website. On clicking these links, you’ll be redirected to that website. Please note that, if you access any website through that links, your personal informations will be stored accordingly to that website not ours. And we’ll not be responsible for the way they used your personal data.
Storage of Data and Security
Your data are stored on a secure server located in USA. Your informations is processed in accordance with the data protection law. However your informations may be transfered to other countries if one or more servers are located. Whether if our server are located in one or more locations your personal informations will be secured, protected and we’ll prevent unauthorised access to your informations.
quarkscience does not store any sensitive users account details of debit card, credit card, pin numbers, password etc. We do not sell any online items on our platform but it may contain affilate links, promotion links or even not. We are not involved in any online transaction. In case of any damages or misuse of such details, we’ll not be responsible for that cases.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
quarkscience.com in comming days may update this privacy policies for better improvement and user experiences. Please, visit our privacy policy page if we update or made any changes to our existing privacy statements.
Further Informations
Please contact us in following addresses if you have any queries about our privacy policy page.
Last Updated: December 15, 2023
Contact Details,
Address: 7th St, New York, NY 10003, USA
Website: quarkscience.com
Email: admin@quarkscience.com